21 jaw dropping before/afters from 2021 😱

We created Good Lines to uplift women physically, mentally, and emotionally. Seeing these images of women in our community throughout last year made us extremely grateful for your support and loyalty.

If you are reading this and are new to Good Lines, here is what you need to know:

1. Always wear Nipple Covers

2. Not sure what to buy first? Try our best seller; Good Lines Boob Tape Roll. It is the easiest to use

3. Always start with our Strong Adhesive first, never the Extreme

4. If it's your first time wearing our boob tape, only wear Good Lines for 2-3 hours max to see how your skin reacts

5. Always use oil to remove our products. You can use whatever type you have, but most people use baby oil, body oil, or coconut oil. It's very important that you make sure you really saturate the tape

*** Don't forget we have a ton of tutorial videos for new and seasoned Good Lines users to learn from. Check out our YouTube channel for more in depth step by steps, or check out our Instagram for images and more!

Click here to watch this tutorial for larger breast cups!

Lastly, have topics you want us to talk about in our blog? Have ideas of videos you want to see?  Please email us support@goodlines.com and let us know.  We want to make sure that we are giving you useful content that you want to see.

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