Counterfeit Products
Please note that the ONLY place to purchase Good Lines products is directly on our website We do not sell on any other websites like Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, Poshmark etc. We are unable to do returns or exchanges for anything that was not directly purchased from our website.
We take pride in only using the highest quality medical grade ingredients in our products. Please note that products sold on other websites claiming to be ours are imitations. We are not affiliated with any of these brands.
Please help us by reporting any fake products being sold on other websites or stores so our legal team can take appropriate action. This includes companies that use our logo, copy, and images without our permission. Please report any violations to so we can escalate these issues to the proper authorities.
We take pride in only using the highest quality medical grade ingredients in our products. Please note that products sold on other websites claiming to be ours are imitations. We are not affiliated with any of these brands.
Please help us by reporting any fake products being sold on other websites or stores so our legal team can take appropriate action. This includes companies that use our logo, copy, and images without our permission. Please report any violations to so we can escalate these issues to the proper authorities.
Thank you!