10 Facts on our Fearless Founder: Sasha O'Leary

sasha headshot

With Mother's Day right around the corner, we will be highlighting a few moms we got to meet last week at our shoot in Brooklyn. However, we wanted to acknowledge one of the most hardworking, strong, and badass mothers we know: Sasha O'Leary, CEO/Founder of Good Lines.

Sasha is currently pregnant, but still works 12+ hour days, is a mom to two other kids, a wife and strong women’s advocate.  She is the type of person that makes you want to work incredibly hard and has infectious resilience. I mean, can we just take a minute to look at how cute she is? This was taken in Brooklyn, New York last week during filming new application/removal content for you. 

Besides being an absolute powerhouse, here are 10 fun facts about our fearless founder:

      1. Almost 14 years ago Sasha got sober and turned her life around. She dedicates her free time to helping other women get and stay sober.

      2. She has been pregnant with two babies since starting Good Lines. Mom of 3 over here!!

      3. She is Peruvian and Irish. A spicy, feisty combination!

      4. She is very passionate about women’s rights and empowering women. The easiest way to spot Sasha on the streets is by her Planned Parenthood tote, she doesn't go anywhere without it and her gold 1973 necklace (the year Roe vs Wade passed).

      5. She can’t type.... the Good Lines team has to proofread EVERYTHING.

      6. She didn’t finish college, and barely got through high school.

      7. She can bake the best brownies you will ever taste, but will never tell you her secret on just how easy they are.

      8. Diversity and life experience is very important to her and her husband. Their children speak 3 languages and are all under the age of 5!

      9. Before Good Lines, she was in real estate in Seattle, Washington. The lady knows a lot about real estate....... and of course boobs.

      10. Only 5 people know the real story on why she named the company Good Lines. Maybe one day she will share her secret 🤫 

sasha with kids
You can also learn more about Sasha & Good Lines on our Instagram & Youtube!


    • Sasha is GOALS!

      Diana Angelini
    • Sasha is SO AMAZING!! I love this story! Please tell her that I think the world of her! GO SASHA!!!


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